Monday, January 9, 2012

A Bump in the Road

Proverbs 3 says to trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Well that was put to test this morning as my car slowly went into transmission arrest and I barely got my daughter to school.  I was scared and felt the emotions creep up and eventually seep out. My daughter was the voice of truth reminding with such authority to trust God. When I said, "I will" she declared, "NO, TRUST GOD!" with such conviction that I had no choice but to be immediately obedient.  Wow, I was almost jealous of her level of faith!

Fear wanted to paralyze me and keep me from moving forward. However God used my sweet daughter today reminding me that He is very near, very present, and in control. I just needed to trust.

In all of this, I almost forgot that the Lord cares about every detail in our lives.  As I sit here in the parking lot of a car dealership listening to the radio, God  continues to be my companion with songs that encourage my fearful heart.

Thank You, Lord, for the voice of truth that reminds me of Your love and care.

"When I am afraid, I put my trust in You."  Psalms 56:3