Sunday, August 5, 2012

@Being Connected...

Over the summer, I signed up for Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.  I am not sure what I am trying to accomplish here by trying to be so social, but I've realized that there are WAY too many social media outlets that make absolutely NO sense to me right now.  All this has accomplished for me is that I feel more out of touch than in touch.  Gee, I used to be so tech savvy...or so I thought.

For the most part, I don't think I like Twitter at all.  I keep forcing myself to read the different tweets and even have 2 Twitter accounts (personal & professional)! I know...Why? Why?! Why?!? And I keep getting strange followers like make money now and a moving company in NYC (Umm...I live in NM).  Do I really need to connect with these folks? Or is there some unwritten contest as to how many followers you can get no matter who they are or what they sell? I just don't get it. *shaking my head*

Well, I've come to the conclusion that there is too much of nothing going on in the Twittersphere. The streams of consciousness some folks have is more than I care to keep up with. That's what your Facebook friends are for, right? ;-) Besides, I have more on my mind that exceed the 140 character limit of a tweet.  Perhaps Twitter was created to perpetuate multitasking skills in its followers. I mean really, who else could tweet every 5 seconds and follow a million people at the same time?? This is too overstimulating for me.

Google+ has some cool features, if I learned how to use them effectively and add friends to my circle. Honestly, I don't even know what the circles mean or how to start a hangout, but it looks really cool though.

LinkedIn can be profitable professionally, but to be honest, I find that I network online better through the blogs of other persons of similar interests. I'll keep my account for now, but I don't think I'll invest too much time in it unless the need arises.

Okay, so why am I connected to these things that make my head spin? Hmm...that's a good question!

Seriously, am I trying to keep up with today's hip culture? (Ugh, I sound old) Maybe...maybe not. *sigh* Perhaps all of this speaks to a deeper desire in all of us to connect in some way to each other (although I'd prefer different methods like actual human connection like conversations face-to-face or a phone call). There are so many people you can reach out to in these types of forums, but I don't know. I still feel somewhat disconnected from the people I "follow" or those "following" me.

To relate, on any level, requires giving a piece of ourselves to another. It's a gift actually. I love that God gave Himself for us in Christ. I love that no matter how cut off I may seem in the world, I can always be connected to Him. Being connected to the Lord is the only thing that matters in this life. Through prayer and through His Word, our connection with the God of the universe goes beyond a tweet or status update. Instead of being captured by the unimportant things, I can be renewed, transformed, encouraged, taught, corrected, protected, comforted, calmed, guided, forgiven, and simply loved.  Now that's a connection I can get with....tweeting

John 15:5 AMP

"I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing."

#Unplugged for now,

Ok, I think I've figured out Twitter a little better, so I might change my mind about it in the future.  LOL