Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hope and Refreshment

Have you ever had a day when a word of encouragement could go a long way?  That was my week...Lately, I feel like I am surrounded by the most dismissive, negative, discouraging folks in the world. Some days, I just feel as if my strength to press on is fading. "Does anyone really care?" I've thought many times. That's why a smile, a friendly gesture, or encouraging words are so precious to me right now.  

So, I turn to God's word, which is the best thing I could ever do.As I read through Psalm 23, I am encouraged in the way David describes the Lord's care.  All 6 verses reveal something beautiful about our God. The Lord provides for us all that we need with tender loving care: provision, guidance, and protection for the sheep in His care. He is the "Good Shepherd" as explained in John 10. Under His care, we can have rest and peace that only the Lord can give. (Reminding me what Jesus says in Matthew 11:28) What I also notice is that this rest and peace brings refreshing and new strength - almost as part of preparation to be guided in the right path.

Verses 4-6 shows us that no matter what we go through, the Lord is always there and that He will do what is necessary to keep us where we need to go. If His presence is our dwelling place, then His goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives. The biggest encouragement we have is through the finished work of Jesus Christ. Through Him we are not only set free, but incredibly loved!

"See what [an incredible] quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are!"    
1 John 3:1 AMP 

Ahh...refreshing hope...

Today, I am grateful for the encouragement the comes from the Father. Although I may wish it would come from those around me, nothing beats the love and care that only God can bring. Apparently, I need constant reminding, but the good news is that God's Word and His Holy Spirit is always available to bring these things to mind.  Thank you, Jesus!

Peace & Blessings,