Saturday, November 5, 2011

FOOL: Tales from a Temper Tantrum

"Control your temper,
      for anger labels you a fool."  
Ecclesiastes 7:9

The definition of a fool includes one who acts unwisely on a given occasion.  We all act foolish at one time or another, but when it comes to expressions of our emotions, we must remember to be careful or deal with the consequences of losing control.

Today I found myself a bit vexed. Oh, I'll admit it....I was angry. People and circumstances were getting on my nerves and I just had to let it out...and foolishly I did. *sigh* I felt like a tea kettle that had reached the boiling point and is now whistling full steam. For someone who has taught anger management, I sure didn't practice what I preach. Ok, so I am not going around hitting people or cursing anyone out.  However, the darts of my words (or facial expressions) have too often hit their target.

"Careless words stab like a sword..." Proverbs 12:18a   

Remember David and his angry psalms? Although he was pretty much "cursing" his enemies (e.g. "May all his offspring die. May his family name be blotted out in a single generation" Psalm 109:13), he always ended his rant with a prayer. Actually, he initially brought his frustrations to the LORD. What I was angry about is not so important as to my response in my anger. Familiar patterns distract me with reactive responses instead of me thinking before I speak or act.  Unfortunately, this reveals my heart. I struggle with this often. Also, I am beginning to notice that I am angry a lot of the time recently. Underneath the anger is usually hurt, pain, and frustration that I probably do not want to deal with.  Hmm...I guess it's time for an appointment with the Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace, huh?

Please keep this fool in your prayers...

Heavenly Father, please forgive my foolish ways. May I find better ways to speak the truth of my hurt, pain, and anger all the while remembering to bring it to You in the first place.  May I remember the amazing grace that has been extended to me in order to speak words of healing instead of destruction. May my heart have compassion on those around me as I seek to see others and situations through the lens of Christ.   In Jesus' Name...Amen  \o/