Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mercies in Disguise

"This I call to mind; therefore I have hope: It is through the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness."The LORD is my portion," saith my soul, "Therefore will I hope in Him."   
Lamentations 3:21-24

Earlier today, I was listening to a song called "Blessings" by Laura Story and it reminded me of how deep God's love is for us.  It talked about how God uses the trials and tribulations in our lives to build us and take us closer to Him. The song also asks, "What if your blessing comes through raindrops? What if your healing comes through tears?" and I thought, hmm....nothing is wasted with the Lord. We all know that rain is necessary for a flower to bloom.  Maybe that's what God has in mind. 

Today, Lord, as our hearts cry out to You about our storms and situations we have wrestled with impatience to get through, may You help us to keep our focus on You and Your Word. Thank You for giving us grace and mercy in our time of needs.  Bless us with patient endurance as we learn to see the world through the lens of Christ and not our own.  In Christ's Name....Amen \o/


KeeperatHome said...

I love the Laura Story song you referenced here. It really resonated with me and reminded me that God's ways are not our ways. His plans may not be comfortable to us, but they are all to bring Him glory. Ta ta! In Christ, Talya