Sunday, August 25, 2019

Interesting stats. 

As a fan of fitness and a health professional this highly disturbs,  but doesn’t shock me. This may run a bit long because of my own passion for health, so be prepared. 

I have a few theories about possible causes. This is without research, just a casual observations.  So please agree or disagree in kind. 

3: TIME- I have really enjoyed attending some churches in the past, and would have enjoyed going more often, but if your a regular church attendant who has a full time job and are also going to church 5 days a week (as mentioned in the article) you probably don’t have time to exercise and fast food is going to be you main source of food because of limited time traveling between work, home and church. 


 1 Timothy 4:8 “For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.”

Yes, this verse is true. Godliness does trump bodily exercise as it concerns our salvation. HOWEVER that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t put forth at least an ATTEMPT at leading a healthy lifestyle. If you look at the first few words, “Bodily exercise PROFITS  little” (NKJ) But IT STILL PROFITS. Yes we can have a thriving ministry, but imagine how many more lives you can minister to if you live an additional 20 or 30 years of life because your not diabetic, obese or have high blood pressure. I don’t think people WILLING live unhealthy lifestyles because the Bible told them it’s not important. 
But if the church doesn’t address the issue,at least a little bit, it will continue to balloon. (pun intended) 

1: SOUL FOOD: For me this is the number one culprit leading to obesity, especially in the black community. Fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, corn bread (I am getting hungry just typing it out) are all good and tasty foods that are filling. Eating heavy calorie soul food is ok ONCE IN A WHILE (I would say no more than 2 or 3 times a week). But if your eating SOUL FOOD 5 times a week, which is a staple in some churches, you can pack on the pounds, clog arteries and increase your blood pressure in no time. 

My advice. Two of those 5 visits to church need be an education on healthy eating or exercise. Or an actually exercise class.